this sour-faced man was the Master of Cerements for the living dead on the planet Necropolis, shortly after the Battle of Yavin. It was his job to ensure that the Curse of Sycorax was not invoked whenever the Necropolitans ignored their dead. When Doctor Evazan successfully reanimated the dead bodied in Necropolis' cemetary, Pylum revealed that he had been working with Evazan all along. Evazan had realized the benefit of having the Master of Cerements under his control, thereby being able to use the ancient superstitions about the dead to cover his experiments with bringing dead bodies back to life. Pylum had been disgruntled with the taunts and jeers he received for his belief in the ancient traditions, and had broken into the Crypt of the Ancients to see if they were true. He found that Sycorax's coffin wasn't filled with a witch's body, ready to exact revenge, but a simple old skeleton wrapped in rags. His own beliefs were shattered, and he decided to join Evazan and earn a portion of te credits the zombie experiments would bring. However, when Boba Fett returned to capture Evazan, Pylum fled the scene and tried to escape. He was killed as he tried to exit the Crypt of the Ancients when one of the crypt's heavy doors fell on him and crushed him.