this moon, the innermost of three which orbited the planet Almania, was a hot, dry world formed from sandstone and other soft rocks. Its constantly changing landscape forced its inhabitants to become highly adaptable. Meager oceans provided only enough moisture to allow plants and animals to survive, but they were home to the microscopic seafah, whose shells were valued as gemstones. The natives of Pydyr built grand cities of sandstone studded with seafah shells, which were constantly being rebuilt due to the harsh environment's continual erosion of the soft material. The Pydyrians became wealthy harvesting seafah shells and developing medical unguents and salves, and were the creators of the healing stick. As a result this wealth, the Almanians became intensely jealous of the Pydyrians. A centuries-old grudge evolved, but was finally laid to rest by the evil machinations of Dolph. Dolph sent his specially-armed droids to Pydyrian sources, and detonated them all. He killed 1,651,305 Pydyrians, leaving a thousand prisoners for him to torture when he came to survey the destruction himself.