this starship was owned by a crew which was deeply in debt to Brebu, a Hutt crimelord. When they defaulted on their loan payments, the Hutt sent his thugs out to make the crew pay for their mistake. The thugs shot down the ProfitSmasher on an unspecified backwater planet, and all aboard were either killed or enslaved by the Hutt. In the years since the crash, the dead hull of the ship has been gutted and stripped of all salvageable components. Many a pirate or criminal has tried to turn the hulk of the ProfitSmasher into their personal base, but every such venture seemed to end in disaster. Most modern spacers leave the crash site alone, fearing their own misfortunes. Shortly after the Battle of Yavin, Brebu began devising a plan to turn the hulk of the ProfitSmasher into his own base.