this Jazbinan Lord served as the planetary governor of Jazbina during the last years of the New Order. He welcomed Luke Skywalker to Jazbina shortly after the Battle of Yavin, in an effort to capture him and gain favor with Darth Vader. He tricked Luke into believing that his daughter, Syayna, had been kidnapped, and that rescuing her would help convince the people of Jazbina to join the Alliance. In reality, he hoped that Luke would lead him to a cell of rebels which was led by Syayna, thereby doubling the reward he would garner. Prepredenko had the journalist-droid 3DVO equipped with a remote-control dart launcher, and tranquilizer Luke after he found Syayna's rebel cell. He also had Syayna placed under house arrest. 3DVO, angry that Prepredenko had tampered with his systems, tried to get revenge on Prepredenko by changing the message Vader sent to Jazbina. 3DVO reported that Vader wanted Luke dead, rather than alive, hoping Prepredenko would be executed for disobeying Vader's orders. Prepredenko then released Syayna, who claimed to have had a change of heart. She asked him to let her kill Luke, and Prepredenko agreed. She merely stunned him, but Prepredenko was too busy preparing for Vader's arrival to notice. When Vader learned that Prepredenko had arranged for Luke to be killed, he tortured Prepredenko. Prepredenko managed to convince 3DVO to transmit a message to Syayna, telling her that he truly loved her. The transmission was detected by the Imperials, and a squad of stormtroopers was sent to end it. They shot Prepredenko dead, then destroyed 3DVO, but not before the droid had their executions shown on public viewscreens.