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Pothman, Triv

a native of the planet Chandrila and a former Imperial stormtrooper, Pothman was part of the Eye of Palpatine mission. He was a member of the 45-stormtrooper group sent to Pzob. He was the company's armorer, and could service weapons. Unfortunately, the Gamorreans didn't like having the Empire on Pzob, and began attacking the stormtroopers. They captured Pothman early in the fighting, and kept him alive because of his knowledge of weapons. They killed off all the other stormtroopers. When the power cells of their blasts drained, they stopped watching Pothman, who promptly escaped. He has lived by himself on Pzob ever since, keeping the Gamorreans at bay while collecting all of his company's unused armor. He discovers Luke Skywalker and Cray Mingla when they are forced to crashland on Pzob, after discovering the existence of an armed base in the asteroids near the Moonflower Nebula.
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