this is a Jedi term for a young student of the Force. During the height of the Old Republic, beings who were strong with the Force were identified at a young age for training, often before their first year of life. Young beings were transported to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, where they were brought up to respect the Force and the life it suffuses. Trainees were allowed to train until they were chosen as Padawan learners by a Jedi Master, or until they were thirteen years old. If a learner was not chosen as a Padawan by his thirteenth birthday, it was decided that the young student would never have the drive and skills to become a full Jedi Knight, and they were given lesser assignments by the Jedi Council. Each Padawan was distinguished by a short, close-cropped hairstyle which was accented by a thin braid. The braid's length, together with small beads braided into the hair, denoted the Padawan's level of training. On the occasion of a Padawan's thirteenth birthday, solemn reflection and meditation were required by the student, and the Master often gave them a meaningful gift.