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Ooryl Qrygg

this Gand was a member of the X-Wing group Rogue Squadron. He was Corran Horn's wingman for much of his time with the Rogues, and was a distinguished member of their group. He survived several battles in which he was nearly shot down, and his breathing apparatus helped him avoid the Krytos plague. His ability to defeat his enemies drew the interest of Vviir Wiamdi and the ruetsavii shortly before the Battle of Thyferra. Vviir and two others flew with the Rogues to witness Ooryl's abilities and to criticize them, if possible. When they all survived the battle which ended the Bacta War, Vviir and his companions deemed Ooryl janwuine, and invited all of Rogue Squadron to Gand as hinwuine. Ooryl was soon after initiated into the ranks of Gand Findsman, although he maintained his standing with the Rogues throughout the battles with Grand Admiral Thrawn and Leonira Tavira.
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