Ashgad, Seti
this political contemporary of Senator Palpatine was one of the future Emperor's main opponents. In political circles, he was known as the Golden Tempter, a tribute to his persuasive voice and charismatic speeches. He came from the hyperdrive design division of Incom Industries, where his major contribution was the design of the Z-95. During the height of the Clone Wars, Ashgad was a Senator himself, and suddenly disappeared after he argued against a measure to install surveillance cameras in the Senate buildings. Ashgad was sentenced to a prison term on the world of Nam Chorios, where he came to power by filling in the void left when the Hutt Beldorion failed to maintain his hold on the populace. As Ashgad rose to power, he was subverted by the droch Dzym, who used Ashgad as his figurehead. Dzym kept Ashgad alive for many years beyond his natural lifespan by continually "recharging" his life energy, and a story was developed that Ashgad had a son. Then, still lively and youthful, Ashgad appeared as his own son and took control of the Rationalist Party on Nam Chorios. He arranged a meeting with Leia Organa-Solo, at the behest of Dzym, in order for the droch to launch his own assault on the galaxy. Organa-Solo was captured, and specially-created holo-vids dispatched to indicate she left Ashgad in good hands. Ashgad held her in his own complex on Nam Chorios until she escaped. Dzym took Ashgad and tried to flee the planet after the natives rose up in revolt, but their ship was destroyed before they made it out of the system.