this planet, located on the outer edge of the Core Worlds, was home to the Nubians, who produce many specialized starship components. Nubia was located along the Corellian Run, just beyond Corellia and Froz. The planet was first colonized some 22,000 years before the Battle of Yavin, who realized that its bleak appearance was merely a façade. Much of the planet's landmass was considered arid by most standards, but huge underground aquifers provided water for irrigation. This allowed the colonists to quickly provide food for themselves. Over time, the agriculture of Nubia came to provide much of the foodstuffs for the sector. The mountains of the planet were rich in ores and minerals, which fueled the menufacture of a variety heavy machinery. Note that the galaxy map inside Star Wars Insider, issue 65, indicates that Nubia is in the Colonies Region, along the border with the Inner Rim.