this shadowy, black-armored figure worked behind the scenes of the Imperial Interim Ruling Council. He used Xandel Carivus as his agent, and predicted that Carivus would be elected to lead the Council after Nolyds was assassinated. Nom Anor spoke with a raspy hiss, which strengthened his evil image. He claimed to be in charge of the dealings on Ord Cantrell, and that the murders which plagued the Council were within his plans. However, General Immodet was soon poisoned, and not by any of Anor's agents. He claimed to be unconcerned about the rumors of Kir Kanos returning. Nom Anor became known to the New Republic several years later, when he emerged as the spiritual and political leader of the Rhommamoolians. Nom Anor made no effort to hide his hatred of the New Republic and the Jedi Knights, and preached about abandoning technology in favor of looking for the truth in the natural elements of life. In response to his charismatic personality, the Red Knights of Life rose up to further his beliefs. He had managed to incite them to rebel against their neighbors on the planet Osarian, sparking an intrasystem battle while furthering his own plans. In reality, Nom Anor was the Yuuzhan Vong leader of the advance forces of the Praetorite Vong, and a member of the Intendent class. When he was given the assignment, he showed his devotion to the Yuuzhan Vong by removing his own eye with the sharpened end of a burning stick. The eye was replaced with a plaeryin bol. He faked his own death by pretending to be on a diplomatic shuttle dispatched to the Mediator, but he was actually in an A-Wing fighter fleeing to Sernpidal. The shuttle exploded in the hold of the Mediator, although Nom Anor himself was in another craft fleeing the battle. He was disgraced upon his return to the Yuuzhan Vong leaders, and was replaced by Shedao Shai. It was later revealed that Nom Anor was a member of a lower caste in Yuuzhan Vong society, and hoped to elevate his people to warrior status by successfully conquering the first planets along Vector Prime. His failure almost guaranteed swift retribution. With the failures of Shedao Shai and Deign Lian, Nom Anor found himself once again in a position of command, leading the forces which destroyed Obroa-skai. He was also part of a growing faction of Yuuzhan Vong which believed the Jedi Knights were the key to taking control of the galaxy. Nom Anor also took steps to form an alliance with Borga the Hutt, which provided a minimum of protection for Hutt Space and gave the Yuuzhan Vong their choice of worlds to use to grow yorik coral. However, Nom Anor found himself entangled with two female rivals during the invasion. The former Jedi Knigth Vergere seemed to be favored by Warmaster Tsavong Lah, while Viqi Shesh - the woman he himself had recruited to the Yuuzhan Vong cause - was working behind the scenes to assassinate Borsk Fey'lya and become Chief of State of the New Republic. Nom Anor met both challenges head-on, and was dispatched to Coruscant to meet with the Republic Senate and Chief of State Fey'lya. Nom Anor was summarily arrested, thwarting his immediate plans and those of Senator Shesh, but managed to escape unharmed after rendering the entire Senate unconcscious. Upon his return to the Yuuzhan Vong, Nom Anor was again paired with Vergere, this time on the so-called Solo Project. He argued for the project's existence by showing Tsavong Lah that the New Republic - and the Solo family in particular - were destined to win the Galactic Civil so that the Yuuzhan Vong could invade the galaxy. Speaking heretically, Nom Anor explained that the Empire's centralized forces would have crushed the Yuuzhan Vong, so the True Gods altered events to ensure the Alliance own the war. While this appeased the Warmaster, Nom Anor's failure with the Solo Project did not. He was relegated to duty on Coruscant, which had been reformed into a simulacrum of Yuuzhan'tar, locating and eliminating any pockets of resistance. His continued failure to capture Jacen Solo, combined with the loss of Ganner Rhysode and the near-destruction of the World Brain, forced Nom Anor to flee into the depths of the planet to escape execution. There, he met up with a group of Shamed Ones who had begun to revere the Jedi Knights. Their heretical beliefs gave Nom Anor the idea of turning them in to Overlord Shimrra, as part of a plan to regain his stature. When the band of Shamed Ones was routed by Yuuzhan Vong warriors, Nom Anor was again forced to flee deeper into the planet, relying on Shoon-Mi and Kunra to survive. However, his plans were not in shambles, and he continued to gain power as Yu'shaa, the Prophet who would lead the Shamed Ones to freedom. He gathered the Shamed Ones and used their religious fervor to build his own base of power, from which he hoped to strike back at Shimrra for abandoning him. He thought his plans had come to fruition when the living planet Zonama Sekot was located, as he believed that the destruction of the planet - which was a source of fear to Shimrra - would return him to the Supreme Overlord's good graces. After arranging to reach the planet with Nen Yim and Harrar, along with the Jedi Knights Tahiri Veila and Corran Horn, Nom Anor found the rumors of the living planet to be true. He set his plans in motion, hoping to overload the planetary hyperdrive and destroy the planet. He was forced to kill Nen Yim, who had discovered his true identity, only to be revealed later by Tahiri. Nevertheless, Nom Anor managed to escape Zonama Sekot and return to Coruscant, where he was restored to a position of power by Shimrra himself. Nom Anor was named the Prefect of Yuuzhan'tar, much to the dismay of High Prefect Drathul. Drathul decided that Nom Anor should be the individual to put a stop to the heretical cult of the Prophet Yu'shaa, a move that Nom Anor believed would earn him even more power. He was unprepared for Kunra's own plans, however, when the Shamed One twisted his warnings into bold proclamations to the Shamed Ones. Kunra thus forced Nom Anor to lead the masses, rather than abandon them. However, the weight of serving two masters began to force Nom Anor into a corner. When Shimrra finally ordered the World Brain on Coruscant to literally destroy the planet, making it useless to either side of the battle, Nom Anor did the only thing he could to save his planet. He shed his Prefect's cloak and took up arms with the Shamed Ones, fighting against the establishment of Shimrra. Once again, his actions were merely executed to save his own skin, and Nom Anor hoped to escape in the midst of the fighting between Shamed Ones and warriors. He was tracked in his escape by none other than Mara Jade Skywalker, who was part of an infiltration team dispatched to capture Shimrra. Mara's combat skills, both with a lightsaber and barehanded, were no match for Nom Anor, who was already breathless and tired from trying to escape the battle. She forced him to surrender, at which point he told her about Shimrra's plans to use the Alpha Red virus against Zonama Sekot. He then agreed to take the Jedi and the Solos to Shimrra's Citadel, in the hopes of locating Luke Skywalker and Jaina and Jacen Solo. Along the way, Nom Anor continued to look for a way to turn the situation to his own needs, but the deaths of Shimrra and Onimi left him with only two options: rejoining Nas Choka or joining the Galactic Alliance. Neither prospect gave him the kind of power he wanted, however. As he led the Jedi to Shimrra's escape pod, even his attempt to force them into the waste disposal system went awry. Jacen recognized the ruse, and confronted Nom Anor. In a last-ditch effort, Nom Anor used his plaeryin bol to squirt poison at Jacen. The young Jedi, however, simply restructured the poison into nothing more than water. Left with no alternative, Nom Anor chose to die when the escape craft crashed back into the surface of Coruscant.