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a race of four-armed insectoids from the planet Noe'ha'on, the Nohehons have a savage culture. They stand on two legs, and they are covered with bristly hairs. The eyes of a Noehon are multi-faceted, with each facet having a specific range of vision. Some facets are used for detailed analysis, while others are for detecting motion. They exude a strong scent from glands in their cheeks, and use this scent to mark their territory. A pair of strong mandibles surrounds the Noehon mouth. They are excellent climbers. The Noehon race is obsessed with order and discipline, and are focused on maintaining heirarchies in their society. Their family groups are known as Welds, and consist of a dominant, alpha male ruling up to fifty females. The females have their own hierarchy.This hierarchical society leads many off-world Noehons into the slave trade. It has also led to a large amount of fighting for position in the overall society. The Noehons never achieved a high level of technology, and were planet-bound when they were discovered by the Old Republic.
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