a super-hot planet located in the Athega system, Nkllon's mantle and core were rich in metallic ores. Due to its proximity to its sun, the surface of the planet was an uninhabitable wasteland that was bombarded by intense heat and radiation during the day, and frozen at night. Lando Calrissian modified an idea proposed by Ecclessis Figg, and used a mobile mining operation to mine the dark side of the planet. Some five years after the Battle of Endor, Grand Admiral Thrawn attacked the planet twice. The first attack was aimed at obtaining some of Lando's mole miners for use in the attack on Sluis Van. The second was an attack to neutralize a primary source of ore for the New Republic. Sometime afterward, Lando was ready to rebuilt his Nomad City mining operation, but he lost the planet in a sabacc match. The planet's rotational period lasted 3,527 standard hours, or just over ninety standard days. Thus, the planet's "year," one complete orbit around its sun, lasted only 5 local days.