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Night Caller

one of the CR90 corvettes under the command of Apwar Trigit, the Night Caller was heavily modified from its original specifications during its initial design. The bow was widened and much of it gutted to allow for a small TIE fighter hangar, while the topside hold had been enlarged to act as storage hold for skimmers. One of the turbolaser turrets on the bow was replaced with a capital-ship tractor beam. The Night Caller was dispatched to destroy the New Republic's base on Folor using Empion mines. While it succeeded in knocking out much of the base, the Night Caller was captured when the Wraith Squadron pilots created the Lunatic and lured the Night Caller in to capture it. Voort saBinring was hidden inside, and when the Lunatic was drawn into the ship's hold, he managed to take control of the bridge and take the ship for the New Republic. The crew was so taken by the surprise of Voort's attack, that they didn't wipe out its computer memory banks, nor did they get off a distress call to Trigit. The Night Caller's flight logs led the Wraiths to several of Zsinj's holdings. Since the warlord and Trigit were unaware that the ship had been captured, Wedge Antilles and Choday Hrakness continued to respond to their orders, and then had the Wraiths fly in after and seemlingly attack them. The Night Caller was later reassigned to another Republic flight group and renamed the Ession Strike.
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