Ni'Shaw-Dak Ministry
this religion was founded by Kaltor Naklian, and was a derivative of the Jydan religion of the Unfyr Warriors. It was also the most prevalent religion on the planet V'shar. This religion was dedicated to the worship of Ni'Shaw, who fell out of favor among the Jydan after their downfall. Despite Ni'Shaw's minor position among the Jydan gods, the Ministry gained a great following and eventually commanded enough power to influence the government of V'shar. The Ministry was led by a its Third Prophet, who was supported by twelve Al'ma'den priests. Individual ministries were run by Shafar priests. Despite his loyalty to the Zulirian Swordmasters, Kaltor maintained separate accounts for the Ministry, and never let the two missions interfere with each other. Among the Ministry's primary laws were the ideas that wisdom was gained through vanquishing one's enemies, and that the best warriors were those who were mightiest in sword and mind.