a name given to those inhabitants of Nam Chorios who were not direct descendants of the original prisoners left there by the Grissmath. They came to Nam Chorios to try and open new frontiers and establish profitable commercial centers. The barren wastes of the planet prevented them from doing so. The Newcomers believed that the Therans and other Oldtimers wanted to keep the planet isolated, as evidenced by their use of automatic gun emplacements to shoot down incoming and outgoing cargo ships. This belief was fostered by Seti Ashgad, although the real meaning of the gun emplacements was never made public. The Oldtimers and Therans were striving to keep the drochs from leaving the planet, not trying to prohibit trade. The Newcomers fought for Ashgad, ambushing the gun emplacements when ships arrived. The ships contained weapons required to liberate Ashgad and the droch Dzym from the planet, although the Newcomers were told that the weapons were to be used against the Oldtimers.