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this race of tree-like beings descended from the planet Ryyk,although it was believed that they first evolved on the Myrkr. For many years, the Neti were also referred to as the Ryyk, which only served to confuse their actual heritage. Xenoarchaeologists of the New Republic believe that the alternate name of "Ryyk" was actually a reference to the original homeworld of the Neti, and not a reference to a distinct species. This information was pieced together from the Jedi Holocron of Bodo Baas. The ancient Jedi Masters Ood Bnar and Garnoo were Neti, as was T'ra Saa. As a people, the Neti were intelligent plants, reproducing by creating a few seeds every century. They survived by gathering food through photosynthesis, and could change their shape, size, or appearance almost at will. Most Neti were capable of three distinct forms: as a solid tree, as a humanoid, or as a quadripedal creature. Each of these forms provided certains levels of mobility and strength, and the Neti could adapt its shape to meet the needs of its surrounding environment. It was believed that Ood Bnar was the only surviving member of the species, being offworld when the planet Ryyk was destroyed, until T'ra Saa was discovered by the Jedi many centuries before the Clone Wars.
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