Navett, Drend
this member of the underground organization known as Vengeance worked with Klif to incite crowds to riot over the smallest of issues. Klif did the talking, using forceful words to bring a crowd to a state of agitation. Drend, once the mood was right, would touch off the riots with a few well-placed blicci-fruits or pipe-bombs. The two found steady employment when Moff Disra hired them to cause riots on several New Republic worlds after the revelation that the Bothans were involved in the destruction of Caamas. Later, Navett and Klif were placed in charge of taking out the shield generator in Drev'starn, posing as exotic animal dealers. In this capacity, they were able to obtain several swarms of metalmites, which they infiltrated into the genreator building on the clothing of the workers. When the Bothans realized that they had a problem, they called in Navett and Klif. They were only too happy to help the Bothans exterminate the metalmites, and while laying down the insecticide they also laid several spreads of liquid nutrients. Then, after gaining access to a power conduit under the restaurant of a Ho'Din - with the help of Pensin and Horvic - they used a nesting of baby mawkrens to carry out the next steps. The mawkrens were hungry, and Navett used this to his advantage. After strapping small, remote-detonating bombs to their backs, Navett helped them get the scent of food: the liquid nutrients they had placed in the generator building. The first wave of mawkrens were used to take out the building's main walls, while the second group was used to destroy the generator itself. Unfortunately, this second step required Navett to be close the explosion - it was a suicide mission. As soon as Navett got the shields down, the others managed to get aboard the Predominance and initiate a battle for Bothawui.