also known as nano viruses, these microbes are created in laboratories to attack a certain genetic structure and dismantle it slowly. They are expesnive and time-consuming to develop and manufacture, due to their single-purpose use. They are beyond the means of most criminals, which is the only reason why their use isn't more widespread. The nano-destroyers enter the target's cells and slowly dismantle the cell's nucleus. Once the nucleus explodes, the nano-destroyers are distributed to neighboring cells to start the process again. They are very difficult to stop, even with the use of copious amounts of bacta, and will consume their target within a few months. They were originally developed by humans, and seem to work only on human and certain near-human species. The Caridan Ambassador Furgan used a group of self-replicating nano-destroyers to try and slowly debilitate Mon Mothma and bring about the fall of the New Republic, but his death occurred just prior to Cilghal's using the Force to remove the nanodestroyers from her body, one at a time.