this was the human species which, along with the Gungans, inhabited the planet Naboo. They were descended from colonists from the planet Grizmallt, who arrived at the planet aboard the starships Beneficent Tasia, Constant, and Mother Vima, shortly after the death of Queen Elsinore' den Tasia. Their arrival occurred some 3,900 years before the Battle of Yavin. During much of their existence, the Naboo took great pains to avoid contact with their Gungan neighbors, and were mostly unaware of the huge underwater cities the Gungans built to escape contact. This was the result of a bloody war which was waged several centuries before the Battle of Naboo, in which large portions of both races were killed. However, fringe elements of both species realized that they couldn't survive without the other, and specialized trading relationships were set up. While these relationships were not officially recognized by either government, they were vital to the survival of each species. In general, the Naboo were a peaceful people, and chose to live in harmony with their environment rather than destroy it. When the Trade Federation blockaded, then invaded, their world, the Naboo people were powerless to defend themselves. Their armed forces were largely made up of unproven volunteers. In a bold gambit, Queen Amidala placed her people in a subordinate role to the Gungans, led by Boss Nass, and gained the confidence of the Gungan people. Together, the two races managed to win the Battle of Naboo and re-establish relationships between them. Adulthood and the right to vote among the Naboo was usually based on intellectual maturity instead of age, and aptitude was tested regularly to determine an individual's readiness to become part of society. This method of encouraging individuals to participate and grow led to a enlightened civilization which was free of many of the problems faced by other civilizations.