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Morrt-class Droid

developed by Warlord Zsinj and Apwar Trigit shortly after the Battle of Thyferra, these small, parasite droids were distributed throughout the galaxy. They were designed to intercept signals from virtually any source and relay information about the source to their operators. The basic Morrt droid resembled a rectangular box, and could attach itself to virtually any surface. The project was initially successful, allowing Trigit to feed false information to the New Republic and allowed him to destroy Talon Squadron. The second hit came from Folor, but Trigit attacked the false beacons placed on the moon instead. When Gara Petothel discovered that the Morrts dispatched to Talasea where attaching themselves to ships which constantly moved in and out of the Morobe System, Apwar Trigit discovered that the intelligence of the Morrts was too limited to be useful. He canceled further development and abandoned the Morrts.
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