Mon Remonda
an MC80b Mon Calamari Star Cruiser delivered to the New Republic following the Battle of Endor. It was placed under the command of Han Solo, and was used to battle the warlord Zsinj. Solo and the ship's Captain, a Mon Calamari named Onoma, pursued Zsinj across the edges of the Warlord's holdings, hoping to catch him unaware. Instead, they often led be Zsinj to a world he wanted for himself, but didn't want to expend resources to take. When the Mon Remonda pummeled certain facilities, it left them vulnerable to Zsinj's takeover. It was later destroyed in battle with the World Devastator Silencer-7 when the reincarnated Emperor Palpatine started his campaign against the New Republic. All hands were lost, but not before the Mon Remonda took out an Imperial-class Star Destroyer.