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Mlatar Thon Gra

this Togorian was generally regarded as the modern galaxy's most skilled master of the sc'rath. He won the Rrann Hhoss at an early age, surprising the masters of the time with his skills. His performanced earned him the notice of master weaponsmith Elotic, who took Mlatar under his wing. After six years of study, Elotis declared Mlatar a master. Shortly afterward, Mlatar married his love, Tyrimm Wyln. Unfortunately, Tyrimm was killed on Zuliria when she was caught in the crossfire of an Imperial raid on an Alliance cell. When she didn't return to Togoria, Mlatar himself traveled to Zuliria. The weapons expert Ther-das offered Mlatar his services in seraching for Tyrimm, but was only able to deliver the news of her death. Mlatar decided to remain on Zuliria after Ther-das offered him a position in the Zulirian Swordmasters, seeing Mlatar's skills with the sc'rath. Mlatar had his own mosgoth, Ktlin, brought to Zuliria, and rode the beast often. He eventually became Ther-das' most trusted friend.
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