Mechanical Liberation Front
this fanatical organization, founded during the last decads of the Old Republic and led by Jarred Sneel during the height of the New Order, staged many violent hit-and-run assaults against droid manufacturing corporations. The membership of the MLF was formed from a variety of highly-skilled technicians and mercenaries, all of which believed that droids should have certain unalienable rights in the galactic community. Rather than stage peaceful demonstrations, however, the MLF planted bombs in the manufacturing plants of corporations like Industrial Automata and MerenData. They were perhaps best-known for their attempt to "free" a shipment of Vindicator XM-15 "brilliant" missiles near Havridam City, on the planet New Bakstre. Fourteen MLF members were killed in the operation, which also destroyed more than 2,000 square kilometers of the city, when the missiles were detonated due to the activists' ineptitude.