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MD (Emdee) droid

the designation of Industrial Automaton's series of medical droids. These droids were roughly humanoid in stature, and were based marginally on the 2-1B series. As with most forms of droids, there are different classifications of medical droids based on their programming: * MD-O droid: diagnostic droids which perform patient examinations and diagnosis. They are equipped with various medical examination implements, such as thermometers, ultrasounders, and x-rays. * MD-1 droid: laboratory techinician droids which conduct all sorts of lab test to analyze and isolate diseases and viruses. * MD-2 droid: anesthesiology droids which administer anesthesia and monitor vital functions during surgery. * MD-3 droid: pharmaceuutical droids which aanalyze, prescribe, and prepare the medicines necessary to combat and prevent disease and infection. They are readily available to most pharmacies, but have been stolen and used by illegal drug dealers. They were also used by the Empire to administer experimental drugs to improve troop loyalty and performance. * MD-4 droid: microsurgery droids which are equipped with miniature vibroscalpels, clamps, and optical sensors used to perform delicate surgery. * MD-5 droid: small, mobile general practitioner droids usually assigned to spaceships when a liviing doctor is too expensive or unavailable. They can administer first aid and perform simple surgeries.
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