Mark-X Executioner
a series of Arakyd gladiator droid, the Mark-X moved about on two caterpillar tracks, and had many weapon-studded arms that folded close to its torso. The arms contained flame throwers, lasers, flechette launchers, and other weapons systems. Viceprex Hirken owned one on Stars' End, and constantly paid the Imperial Entertainment Guild to send him a robot performer to pit against the droid. When Han Solo infiltrated the penal colony, Bollux was sent up against the Mark-X. Bollux used skill rather than force, and was able to defeat the droid by coming in low and locking himself around the Mark-X's tracks. The Mark-X became confused, for it was never programmed to shoot at itself to disable its opponent. The Mark-X went berserk, shooting all its weapons at anything came close to resembling a target. It eventually ran itself into a wall and self-destructed.