Makati, Afsheen
this man was one of the twelve Grand Admirals who served Emperor Palpatine during the last years of the New Order, at which time he was the commander of the Star Destroyer Steadfast. Makati developed an intense hatred of the Supreme Prophet Kadann, after Kadann overheard Makati's first officer make a snide comment about the clothing worn by the members of the Secret Order of the Empire. Kadann badly injured Makati with a burst of Force lightning in retribution, and Makati never forgot the incident. Years later, when Kadann tried to take control of Coruscant in the wake of the Battle of Endor, Makati refused to return to the capital planet. Instead, Makati located the former prophet Azrakel and demanded to know of Kadann's location. Azrakel provided a wealth of information on Scardia Station and the Lost City of the Jedi, and Makati managed to trap Kadann on Scardia. Using every turbolaser at his disposal, Makati destroyed Kadann and Scardia Station, completing his own revenge. Unfortunately, Makati died shortly afterward.