Magwit, Wim
known as the Magician, this humanoid dwarf was a travelling mystic whose primary act involved the mass disappearance of his family, props, and himself through a device known as the Mystifying Hoop Trick. The hoop was something he designed himself; it was a short-range matter transmitter that moved whatever he put into it a small distance away, usually off-stage. He was Bar-Kooda's personal entertainer until he escaped from the pirate. However, Bar-Kooda put an Imperial warrant out for his arrest, and Boba Fett caught him. Luckily for Magwit, Fett had just committed to finding Bar-Kooda, and Fett offered Magwit his freedom in return for locating Bar-Kooda. Magwit agreed, and Fett eventually used the magic hoop to trick Bar-Kooda.