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Nasdra Magrody

founder of the Magrody Institute, Nasdra was one of the galaxy's premier expert on droids and automata. An Arkanian, Magrody had a close relationship with Bail Organa and Mon Mothma, until he was sought out by Moff Tarkin to teach at the Omwat orbital program. He was very enthusiastic when Qwi Xux survived the program and joined the team of scientists at the Maw Installation. Magrody was later tapped, along with Xux, by Tarkin and the Emperor when the first Death Star was being designed. His work in trying to create Force-sensitive machines was heightened by the fact that Nasdra was somewhat Force-sensitive himself, a secret he nearly managed to keep quiet. When Roganda Ismaren began to plot how best to recover the Eye of Palpatine, she realized that Magrody's Force-sensitive automata would be best-suited for the job. She kidnapped his wife and child, forcing him to develop a special brain implant for her son, Irek. Magrody worked diligently with Irek, creating an incredibly intelligent mind that could manipulate inorganic machines with the Force. When he tried to get word of this to the New Republic, Roganda arranged for him to conveniently disappear. Roganda realized two benefits from his disappearance. It kept her plot secret, and it cast doubt on Leia Organa Solo's position as Chief of State for the New Republic, for rumors quickly spread that she had used her position to eliminate Magrody for his involvement with Palpatine.
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