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this was the title given to the leader of the Ferroan colonists who settled the planet Zonama Sekot. It was the Magister's job to ensure the safety and relative anonymity of the planet above all other things, standing between Sekot and Zonama to ensure balance. Before Sekot took the planet into hyperspace, there had been two Magisters. The first Magister was a Jedi Knight who accompanied the settlers to Zonama Sekot. The Jedi, a small, wiry man, had followed the religion of the Potentium, and had been driven out of the Order for his beliefs. He developed an intense relationship with Sekot, and established the practices of creating wondrous technologies with the help of Sekot. Unfortunately, this collaboration with the planet gave Zonama Sekot the idea that it was a unique individual, rather than the collection of all living things in its environment, which confused the planet and shrouded its view of its existence with uncertainty. The next Magister was a hologram of the original, developed to ensure some form of continuity in the leadership with Sekot. However, the planet had already assumed the identity of the dead Magister, and began to act for itself. The ruse was discovered by Anakin Skywalker and Jabitha, who found the original Magister's body buried in the rubble under Far Distance's mountain location during their flight from Ke Daiv. The illusion was furthered by the addition of holographic representations of the Magister's children. The exact name of the original Magister was considered sacred, and the Zonamans were forbidden to speak it aloud. Obi-Wan Kenobi later learned that the Magister was Leor Hal. After the death of the second Magister, Jabitha herself was selected to serve Sekot.
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