Lunkar An
this male Rellarin was a member of the Summit Class of the Galactic Outdoor Survival School, which held every record at the survivalist training center on OM813 until they were broken by the members of Twilight Class. The fact that Twilight Class shattered the records of Summit Class rankled Lunkar An to no end, and his ego was severely damaged. He left his position as owner of the Jmin Survival Academy and returned to GOSS to redeem himself, and hoped to challenge each and very surviving member of Twilight Class to a personal duel. Lunkar An hated Sisquoc, but absolutely abhored Ma'w'shiye, and hoped one day to reclaim his place in the GOSS recordbooks. Note that Galaxy Guide 12 claims Lunkar An was a survival instructor for the Alliance, during the Galactic Civil War.