Loro, Elscol
a fiery red-head, Elscol led the resistance on Cilpar following the death of her husband, Throm. Elscol also was the inheritor of Groznik's life-debt to Throm, and together they joined the Cilpar resistance following the Battle of Yavin. Elscol continued to work toward ridding the planet of the Empire after the Battle of Endor. She later received help from Rogue Squadron in driving the Imperials off the planet. Her abilities as a pilot earned her a position in Rogue Squadron, and she was part of the team sent to Mrlsst to obtain the Phantom cloaking device. Following Groznik's death on Rorax Falken's asteroid lab, Elscol became moody and chafed at Wedge Antilles' command. During the battle for Eidolon Base, Elscol single-handedly took out the Victory-class Star Destroyer Harrow, against Wedge's orders. The two reached an agreement in which Wedge gave Elscol an honorary discharge, while Elscol received some of the Eidolon weapons cache for use in building an elite liberation army. She hired Sixtus Quin and his soldiers as par t of her new army, and developed guerilla techniques used to remove Imperial forces from power during the New Republic's early years. She worked to remain just outside the Republic's jurisdiction, and was able to assist Rogue Squadron during the Bacta War by infiltrating Thyferra's ground-based defenses. As the Battle of Thyferra moved toward becoming a victory for the Rogues, Elscol and Iella Wessiri captured Fliry Vorru as he tried to escape the destruction. Elscol tried to shoot him, but Iella wanted Vorru to surrender. He agreed, but Elscol shot him in the throat. However, Iella had set her weapon to stun so that he could be tried of rhis crimes.