Loor, Kirtan
a native of Churba, he was an Imperial Intelligence agent working for Ysanne Isard. He resembled a taller, younger Willhuf Tarkin in nearly every aspect. He was a thin, hawk-faced man with a sharp widow's peak. He has a nearly perfect memory, which he used to his advantage. He spent some time working with Gil Bastra on Corellia, where Bastra continually got under Loor's skin and kept the agent off-balance. When Bastra forged IDs for Corran Horn, Iella and Diric Wessiri, and himself, then fled the system to defect to the Alliance, Kirtan Loor began what would become a life-long quest to hunt them down. Bastra thwarted all of Loor's attempts by leading him down false trails, using Loor's near-perfect memory to his advantage whenever possible. Loor finally succeeded in capturing Bastra about two and a half years after the Battle of Endor, but Bastra died during interrogation before divulging any useful data. Loor was then recruited by Ysanne Isard to hunt down Wedge Antilles and Rogue Squadron. She used the fact that Corran Horn was now in Rogue Squadron as further incentive. However, deep down, Kirtan Loor was frightened of Corran Horn. He knew that Horn was more violent and driven to escape than Loor could imagine. Loor knew that, if Corran Horn ever caught up with him, that Horn would shoot first and ask questions later. When Isard began plotting to return a diseased Coruscant to the New Republic, Kirtan became the go-between for Isard's secret agent within Rogue Squadron, who was believed to be Tycho Celchu. Using an implanted code phrase, Loor contacted his agent and obtained vital information on the plan to have the Rogues infiltrate Coruscant to gain information on its defenses. Loor played his part to perfection, keeping Isard abreast of the Rogues' activities. Isard, however, had more plans for Loor. She knew that when she turned Coruscant - already infected with the Krytos virus - over to the Republic, she would need an agent on the planet. She chose Kirtan for this duty, much to his chagrin. He was chosen to head up the Palpatine Counterinsurgency Faction, which he did with the best of his abilities. When Fliry Vorru was set loose by the Republic to head the Imperial City People's Militia, Loor was caught in Vorru's web and rendered a subordinate in the plans Isard had for Coruscant. He became fed up with the situation, not to mention the growing ability of the New Republic to fend off Imperial attacks, and offered himself and a great deal of data to Nawara Ven. Ven was acting as Celchu's lawyer, in the trial to discover the murderer of Corran Horn. Loor knew that Celchu wasn't responsible, and offered to provide this information to Ven in exchange for certain freedoms. Ven agreed, and met Iella Wessiri to bring him to the Imperial Justice Building. However, while exitting the turbolift to the prosecutor's chambers, Loor was shot to death by Diric Wessiri. Wessiri, believing that the "mystery witness" would be Evir Derricote, waited in ambush and started firing when the doors opened. Ven took a shot in the hip, and Diric was shot to death by his own wife, who believed him to be an assassin.