Antilles, Raymus
a starship Captain working for the Organa family, Antilles was in command of the Tantive IV for many years as a Captain in the Royal Alderaan Civil Fleet. His tenure extended back to the Clone Wars, when he piloted the ship to Polis Massa after Chancellor Palpatine revealed that he was Darth Sidious and took control of Courscant. Antilles was related to Alderaan's queen. Years later, along with his friend Bail Organa and his daughter, Princess Leia Organa, Antilles was also a supporter of the Alliance. In the wake of the Clone Wars and the birth of twins by Padme' Amidala, Antilles was given ownership of C-3PO and R2-D2, and told to wipe their memory banks clean. Antilles only managed to erase C-3PO's memory, an action that he did often to ensure that no information would ever reveal that Princess Leia was in fact the daughter of Anakin Skywalker. These memory wipes later helped hide that fact that R2-D2 contained the stolen plans to the first Death Star. Antilles was killed by Darth Vader on board the Tantive IV when he refused to divulge the location of the stolen Death Star plans. Vader physically strangled him, in a show of brute strength. Note that in the novelization of Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope, Antilles' name was Colton.