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this planet was actually once part of a much larger planetary body, until a series of asteroid collisions broke the larger world apart. Many of the fragments were too small to become anything more than asteroids themselves, but the largest part remained fairly stable and eventually became the planet Lavisar. The larger remaining pieces became moons of the planet. It is composed of heavy metals and ores, and has a higher than standard gravity. This is a remnant of the original planet, which had an incredibly-high gravity. Lavisar remained neutral during the Galactic Civil War and the battles which followed on the heels of the Battle of Endor. Its abundance of heavy ores, along with its shipyards, made it a prime world for addition to Zsinj's empire. Wraith Squadron ran a false assault on the planet, from its base on the Mon Remonda, in order establish the presence of the squadron in Han Solo's fleet. This allowed them to also use the identities of the Hawk-bats near Halmad.
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