Launch Gate
this was one of the marvels of organic technology created by the ancient Kathol. These gates allowed the Kathol to instantly move from one place to another. The first gate was located on the planet Kathol, and others were placed on remote worlds by Kathol which traveled in their unique launch vehicles. The gate itself was was a massive construction housed in a temple, and was ringed with columns. They were large enough to allow a colony ship to move into and out of it, thereby allowing the Kathol to spread throughout the Kathol Sector of the galaxy. All but one of these gates was destroyed in the conflict between the ancient Jedi Knights and the Dark Jedi who had enslaved the Kathol, in what became known as the Rift Disaster. The resulting explosions ripped apart the hyperspace continuum in the sector, and created the area known as the Kathol Rift. Only one gate survived, in order around the planet Kathol, but it was severly damaged. This last gate was later destroyed during the Battle of Kathol, wiping out any chance of re-establishing this technology.