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although this race of reptiloids was considered native to the planet Gelefil, they were originally native to a planet known as Annoo. These hulking humanoids had drowsy eyes, flat noses, and spots on their faces. Perhaps the most distinctive feature of the Annoo-dat physiology was the fact that each individual had four eyes, allowing them to see into a variety of spectra and with incredible clarity. The crown of the Annoo-dat head was ringed with short horns, and their chins ended in a bony point. A thick tail helped to counterbalance their long bodies, and the legs of an Annoo-dat had two knee joints. The spots on their face changed color with their emotional state, getting brighter as an individual became angrier. About 322 years before the Battle of Yavin, the Annoo-dat were forced to abandon their dying homeworld of Annoo. They eventually discovered to the planet Gelefil, and defeated the Ret to take control of the planet. Over the following decades, the two races merged into a single society, with both referring to themselves as the Annoo-dat. They renamed the planet Annoo, in honor of the original homeworld of the Annoo-dat. In order to avoid confusion, xenobiologists referred to the Annoo-dat as the Annoo-dat Prime, while the Ret came to called Anno-dat Blue.
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