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Laabann, Arian

this Eiattuan noble was a full Count, and was one of the leaders of the Priamsta during the time when Plourr Ilo tried to reconstruct the monarchy on Eiattu. He was willing to kidnap or even kill Plourr in order to keep the Priamsta in control, thereby maintaining the separation of the commoners from the royalty. In this effort, Laabann even tried to have Plourr kidnapped, but she escaped and was able to oust the Priamsta. A few years later, when Princess Leia Organa traveled to Eiattu for diplomatic negotiations, Laabann was arrested on charges of having Leia and Tycho Celchu kidnapped. In reality, Laabann had sold information about the Eiattuan castle and Leia's location to Moff Leonia Tavira. Soontir Fel interrogated Laabann, and revealed that he was still working for the Empire. Laabann threatened to expose him, but Fel ensured his secrecy.
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