Kyss, Leda
this Rabaanite was Mika Streev's closest friend and lover, and was a member of the warrior caste. She had earned the red bandoleer, but had not yet achieved the sunburst sigil of combat artist like Streev. The primary reason behind this was her open mind to other opportunities, outside the scope of combat. She is an accomplished pilot, and traveled off-world a number of times while transporting Rabaanite dignitaries to other planets. It was during these trips that she saw the Empire for what it was: a ruthless machine concerned with its own goals, including the destruction of the Alliance. After helping a group of Alliance agents flee an Imperial starport, she intermittently assisted the Alliance, primarily in the Circarpous System. When the Empire threatened the Ishanna System, she tried to turn Streev toward the Alliance. She was met by a group of Alliance agents who were attempting to halt Imperial progress in the system, and they went to the Combat Moon to rescue Streev. In a firefight on Rabaan's Combat Moon, Leda was shot in the head by Commander Glave. She died almost instantly, and was buried on the moon by Streev and the Alliance agents who knew Leda.