Kursk Mal'ia
this Bothan served the New Republic as a Captain in the Navy, in the years following the Battle of Endor. Captain Mal'ia was placed in command of the Bothan Combat Response Element, and was partly responsible for the Republic's victory over the forces of Imperial Moff Kentor Sarne during the Battle of Kathol. Later, Mali'ia was promoted to Commodore, and served in the Tactical Analysis Bureau. Kursk reported to the New Republic Intelligence agency on the various new starship designs discovered during the struggle with Warlord Zsinj over Dathomir. Kursk placed primary focus on the Hapan designs and those of Zsinj's Raptors. Mal'ia later retired, but was an invaluable resource during the Human League crisis and the breakup of the Starbuster Plot. Note that this character's name is spelled Kursk Mal'lia in Pirates and Privateers.