born on Derilyn, Kratas was accepted into the SAGEducation group at the Calamar University on a full scholarship. He excelled in history and politics, and was chosen for further training on Carida. He eventually was promoted to Navy Commander under Daala's command, captain of the Gorgon. He was in charge of the ground forces which Daala sends to route the Eol Sha colonists relocated to Dantooine. Kratas was one of the few members of Daala's team to survive the series of defeats that the Imperial fleet suffered under Daala, and he accompanied her into the Core to search for the feuding warlords. They tried to get the warlords to unify and creata a huge force against the New Republic, but each of them was too wrapped up in his own power to agree. Kratas was killed while inspecting Harrsk's flagship Star Destroyer, the Shockwave, when the warship was destroyed in an attack from another Imperial warlord, Teradoc.