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this race of immense, insectile beings was created by DarkStryder many centuries before the Battle of Endor. DarkStryder designed the Krakai to serve as the maintainers of its fortress, with the skills and intelligence to tackle any problem. The Krakai were one of DarkStryder's real successes, as they could repair and improve virtually any technology they encountered. They were blindly loyal to DarkStryder, and even chose not to use the Ta-Ree powers they developed in order to not offend DarkStryder. These six-legged beings had an series of pods which grew along their sides. When the pods burst open, a set of tiny tentacles emerged which helped the Krakai manipulate objects and tools. If a pod was not used, it simply burst forth a slimy ball of genetic material in order to make room for the next set of pods. In this way, the Krakai continually regenerated their "arms."
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