this man was hired by Moff Disra to incite crowds to riot on several New Republic worlds. One of the leaders of the group known as Vengeance, Klif was a genius at demagoguery. He could whip a crowd into a frenzy with ease. He worked with Drend Navett on many such operations. Klif and Drend found steady employment under Moff Disra, who used their services to destabilize the New Republic shortly after it was revealed that the Bothans were involved in the destruction of Caamas. Later, Navett and Klif were placed in charge of taking out the shield generator in Drev'starn, posing as exotic animal dealers. They used their small animals as saboteurs, first getting metalmites into the generator facility, then using baby mawkrens to transport small bombs into the building. Once Navett was in place and ready to take out the shield generator, Kliff accompanied Horvic anfd Pensin on a sabotage mission. Disguised as New Republic technicians, they managed to get aboard the Predominance and make their way to a turbolaser battery. They killed their escort and managed to get eight shots off at the city of Drev'starn before begin discovered and neutralized.