an alien race native to Klatooine, the Klatooinans have been indentured to the Hutts seince before the rise of the Old Republic. Along with the Vodran and Nikto races, the Klatooinans have served the Hutts since the battles against Xim the Despot. They are a tall, humanoid race with flat, canine faces and coarse skin. The Klatooinan culture is strongly tied to traditional values, and has been as patient and tenacious as the Fountain of Ancients. They also, like the Fountain, strove to grow stronger with age. The Klatooinans have often referred to themselves as the Children of the Fountain, since they have developed many of the Fountain's characteristics. At the age of ten, every Klatooinan is sold into servitude, usually to local governments. Especially troublesome youths are sold into slavery. This helps the young Klatooinans learn to respect and admire their elders and the traditions of their people. However, they have forever been under the oppression of the Hutts. Like the Fountain of the Ancients, the Klatooinans hope that they can endure long enough to grow strong with age and shed the Hutt yolk.