a race of pudgy, white humanoids from the planet Kirdo III, these creatures have tough, leathery skin and can draw into their folds of skin and seal vulnerable body openings. This trait allows them to protect themselves from Kirdo's harsh desert environment. Their normal body temperature is 106 degrees. A second pair of lungs allowed the Kitonaks to hold their breath for up to four hours during sandstorms. Their heads are mushroom-shaped, and their eyes, nose, and ears, and mouth are hidden from view by folds of skin. The four stout fingers on each hand are extremely dexterous. Kitoanks are easy-going, patient creatures who rarley rush anything. This is a trait developed from hunting choobas on their homeworld. A Kitonak will stand motionless in the desert, pretending to be a sulfaro plant, until the chooba's congregate near them. When a chooba crawls onto the Kitonak and into their mouth, which resembles the cavities of the sulfaro, the Kitonak simply consumes the chooba. A single chooba can sustain a Kitonak for a standard month. Kitonaks do not walk in the normal sense of the word, because their feet are actually muscled pads which are studded with olfactory organs. To move, a Kitonak alternately expands and contracts the muscles in their feet, much like a snake. The feet also provide the Kitonak's sense of smell.