Kinn, Shanna
a native of Dorriella, Shanna was the youngest of three children, and the only girl. She learned starship repair from her older brothers, but lost her family when the Empire took control of Dorriella. Her family was killed when Imperial forces raided a supposed Alliance cell, and Shanna was left to steal enough food and credits to survive as an orphan. She left Dorriella by stowing away on a starship, and made some shady contacts who needed a starship mechanic. She ended up on Trevi IV, and was stealing starship parts when she met Fiz Cor'gril. Fizzi recognized her potential, and signed her on to work with the Verpine Garginoolaara keeping his starships in good working order. Her underworld contacts provided her with a ready supply of slightly-used parts, a part of her work she kept secret from Fizzi. She had very few friends, aside from Fizzi and Gargi.