this intense young man was a small-time criminal, with ties to various pirate organizations. Despite his background, Kine was recruited by Lando Calrissian to locate and defeat a group of pirates who were ambushing New Republic convoys from a base on Radix, in the Abraxas System. In reality, Kine had been hired by Imperial Lieutenant Harme Kiela to help free Air Marshall Von Asch and begin restoring the Empire. Kiela revealed that Kine was a former Imperial Captain. In order to ensure the success of his mission, Kine shot Lando on Radix. Unfortunately, Lando survived the shot and surprised Kine long enough for Isolde to knock the wind out of him. Kine recovered and took Isolde hostage, but his killing shot was blocked by former Air Marshall Von Asch. Isolde was able to fire on Kine and kill him.