this young member of the Knylenn family from the planet Kuat was highly ambitious, and longed to take control of Kuat Drive Yards. He went so far as to kill his family's elder and preserve the body in an elaborate life-support system. This allowed Khoss to effectively control the family's business without having to prove his abilities. His plans came to a head shortly before the Battle of Endor, after his network of spies had gathered information on Kuat of Kuat and his dealings. He claimed that Kuat's behind-the-scenes actions were treacherous and self-centered, and that the leader of KDY was only working his own best interests. Kodir of Kuhlvult supported Kuat in the debate, and helped expose Fenald as a traitor as well as Khoss' deception with his elder's body. However, this entire episode fell into Kodir's plans to wrest control of KDY from Kuat, but her plans were also exposed and defeated.