the homeworld of Khommite race, Khomm is located in a star system near the galactic Core. The planet's inhabitants and their society remained unchanged for thousands of years, since they felt that they had achieved perfection. This led to the cloning of "perfect" individuals, and the society evolved into a stagnant group of repetitive clones. They lead uneventful lives, which is often fine with them. Any members of the society who want to do something unusual are shunned, much as Dorsk 81 was. The planet is a technological world, crisscrossed with grid-like cities laid out according to pattern. Admiral Daala chose Khomm as one of her first points of attack following her unification of the Imperial warlords' fleets, primarily because her plans for attacking Yavin 4 were overheard by Kyp Durron on Dorsk 81, who fled to Khomm because it was the only location plotted in their navicomputer. Cronus' fleet of Victory-class Star Destroyers laid waste to the planet in no time, due to the lack of planetary defense.