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Keto, Satal

a member of the Tetan Elite, Satal Keto and his cousin, Aleema, were drawn to the Dark Side energies that were present in the galaxy some 4,000 years before the Galactic Civil War. They formed the Dark Side worshippers known as the Krath. They were drawn to the Dark Side so fully that they crossed the galaxy to Coruscant, where they entered the Galactic Museum and stole a number of Sith manuscripts and artifacts. They then traveled to Onderon, in an effort to learn more about the artifacts from the Naddists there. Satal was shown how to use the Sith artifacts by King Ommin, who was later killed by the spirit of Freedon Nadd. Nadd's spirit then chose Satal and Aleema to be his new living emmissaries, providing them with Sith swords. The two returned to the Tetan star system, where they overthrew the Carbonite Mining Guild with help from the Dark Jedi and the military just before the Great Sith War. He and Aleema froze their parents in carbonite after they overtook the guild. When Ulic Qel-Droma infiltrated the Krath in an effort to eradicate the Sith warriors, Satal poisoned him with Sith drugs in order to keep the Jedi from turning on the Krath. However, the poison only focused Ulic's powers, and in a pitched lightsaber duel, Aleema tells Ulic that it was Satal who ordered the attack on Deneba which killed Master Arca. Ulic's fury rose even higher, and he killed Satal before turning on the Jedi.
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