an alien race hailing from the planet Kerest, the Kerestians evolved into savage hunters of great cunning and skill. They were tall, powerfully-built humanoids with convoluted ridges on their foreheads. Two thin strips of hair grew in a strange double widow's peak from the ridges, and the strips continued down the Kerestian's back. Their nose was defined by a single, vertical slit above their mouth, and a row of breather tubes ran along their cheekbones. Their small ears were little more than holes located at the base of the skull, and were surrounded by folds of skin. The breather tubes were once used for long-range, high-frequency communication, but that ability was lost over time. They ware known as methodical, deliberate hunters, and were thought to be humorless. However, a recent discovery of a Kerestian colony ship turned up ancient members of the species suspended in time. When they were revived, these colonists showed none of the current Kerestian violence or deliberateness. It has been surmised that the harsh conditions of the planet Kerest forced subsequent generations of Kerestians to evolve into the vicious hunters they are today. They had mastered repulsorlift technology and sub-light space travel before Kerest was nearly destroyed as its sun began to convulse and contract. Kerest was reduced to a frozen wasteland. This caused the ancient Kerestians to "devolve" into barbarians and hunters. Their technology subsequently reverted to stone-age levels.